Thursday 20 August 2009

Anti-Feminism Campaign Continued

Oooh, one thing about ADD, once you get affixed on a topic, you’re literally welded fast! It is like a scratched record being stuck in a groove repeating the same bit over and over. (I hope you’re all old enough to remember vinyl. It is very different from a scratched CD which gets stuck). This post is based on a comment I made a long time ago on Betty Noire’s blog. I, J. Hardspear de la Azotea FULLY prescribe to gender equality, but believe that feminists in the end miss this objective. I think the Suffragettes of old would hate to learn what modern day feminism has become. I hate the fact that women are being treated unfairly even in modern Western societies. Next to child abuse, I find the abuse of women abominable. Very few things make me angrier. Yet I believe that equality between the genders can co-exist comfortably with a definite split in gender roles. Here is an example of what I am on about. I want to raise my little girl to be financially (and in most other aspects) independent of any man, so that she can marry for love. I want her to become a woman in full right, so that if she meets the right guy, that she can be the woman, girl, wife, lover and mother of his children whom he can love and cherish as an equal, but still as a woman. Equality does not mean we have to give up our gender roles. Men must also stop being so asswupped scared to be men. Somebody please kick this soapbox from under me so I can blog about something else for a change!


BioniKat said...

Tell me about getting stuck. My boys drive me crazy!!!! But you are on the right track about your little girl. I wasnt forced into marriage but made a lot of ill considered decisions like falling preggers before marriage which 21 years ago, meant marriage. So I brought my girl up and told her my mistakes hoping that by owning up to them she wouldnt go the same route. Im not saying she's happy all the time but she is self sufficient, with her own car and her own life. One of the main reasons why a woman left alone to raise her kidlets will marry again and possibly to the wrong person is financial reasons and that is because of the inequality in salaries that exists. Why are males always better remunerated? Even if a woman is the breadwinner and a homeowner, she still has to do it on a woman's little salary. Makes for very creative budgeting! More important even than financial independence, before your daughter can find her soulmate she must have the confidence and knowledge to reject the slobs and wait for the right person. Because believe me the slobs always appear.

Unknown said...

Momcat. Yeah, the remuneration issue also bugs me. I'll take your advice about teaching my Image confidence. You know, she is a very tall baby and she's got red hair, so I am afraid that on top of the confidence thing, daddy's gonna hafta getta shotgun also.

Tamara said...

Ah hah! It's an ADD thing... I thought it was just my brother's personality that he gets fixated on things. Drives me mad. He's 20, so ALL I hear about is how he plans to pimp his ride.

I think equality is not about roles, it's about respect. For example, I'm the main breadwinner in our house at the moment because TSC is studying. But that does not mean he's not wearing the pants in our relationship. He provides our little family of two with support, protection and leadership. And I love that he takes those responsibilities.

Unknown said...

Tamara, I understand exactly what you mean and couldn't agree more.

As to the ADD thing, my next post will be about that.

AngelConradie said...

I so hear you on the possibilities of equality! I am so tired of being paid less than my counterparts because I have a vagina!