Thursday 23 September 2010

Trying to format a Microsoft Word Document created by someone else...

Today I am doing a Vital Statistics Graph post for a change...(inspired by GraphJam), but born out of my own frustration.

Have you ever wanted to make a small change to a Microsoft Word Document created by someone else? A task which you thought would take 30 seconds, leaves you tearing your hair an hour later. Trying to make this little change completely disturbed the auto numbering.

You immediately turn on the hidden formatting symbols to try and figure out what the other person/idiot/alien from outer space did. You find that the imbecile used a combination of automatic numbering, manual numbering, the tab button and even the spacebar to put the start of different lines underneath each other.

I have been using MS Word extensively since its DOS days. I consider myself to be an advanced user, but the mess some morons create in a word document is irreparable.

It’s sometimes easier to re-type the whole damn thing.


Anonymous said...


AngelConradie said...

Oh I am SO with you on this one!!

Spear The Almighty said...

Lol! true.

Tamara said...

Hahaha... This has happened to me so many times. Will try to remember your graph next time and smile instead of crying in frustration ;-)