Oh, I do not know whether it is a good thing or not that you cannot pick up one of these from Dischem or not.
A Penile Plethysmograph is a device which measures changes in blood flow in the penis. There are two types. One is like a blood pressure monitor which involves an inflatable cuff and mercury and the other an airtight tube which is inserted over the penis and measures the displacement of air.
Basically it boils down to being a hard-on detector. Why on earth would you want that?
Well it is for one used to detect sexual arousal at the presentation of certain stimuli. It was developed in the 50’s in the former Czechoslovakia when they threw you in prison if you were gay. So if any doubt existed, they connected the guy in question’s member to this contraption, showed him homosexual pornography and if he dared to wood, he got thrown into jail.
Today it is still used in many countries with paedophiles, though there is a lot of controversy over the validity of the test results, and is often not regarded as admissible evidence in court.
It is also used to measure progress after certain types of surgery to correct erectile dysfunction.
I knew a couple once, the girl was a bit of a control freak. When they used to watch movies (Mainstream NOT porn) and if there happened to be a love scene in the movie, the girl would feel between the guy’s legs, and woe betide him should there even be the slightest stirring. I think she would have loved to have a penile plethysmograph.
When I stumbled upon this on the Net, I had such a good laugh. It is one of those topics which can make your imagination run wild...

K, that's just freaky.
Hey Tamara, Ain' it just!?
Good gravy...
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