Friday 15 October 2010

Friday Morning

Woke up at 2am, got up at 4, left home at 4:45, arrived at work at 5:40, made coffee, peed, played freecell, stole biscuits, tweeted, blogged, re-arranged my balls - ready to work at 6:20.


BioniKat said...

The early bird.....plays around! I never used to get to work too early because most of my work was conducted over the phone and no one else that I wanted to phone was there either.

Unknown said...

Hey momcat! You were here recently... you saw the traffic... I now come to work early and leave at 3pm. It helps a lot with the traffic!

Briget said...


I am hysterical! My office colleagues would like to know why I am snorting and crying at the same time..

Have no idea what to tell them...

AngelConradie said...

Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa... Are you taking your medication dude!?!?

Unknown said...

Becauseican... Happened to me before also reading your blog.

Angel... Yes, but of late I worry that it is not working so well any longer...